In Broughton Sea's End, the bones of six men, their arms bound with rope, are found at a cliff fall. Forensic archaeologist Ruth Galloway assists DCI Harry Nelson by revealing that the skeletons are from seventy years ago, probably during World War II. In his inquiries, Nelson ascertains that Broughton Sea's End had a Home Guard during the war, made up of local residents charged with protecting the coast from German invaders. When one of the Home Guard members who's still alive tells Nelson that he could never reveal if the Home Guard saw any action because they took a blood oath, Nelson becomes ever more sure that something tragic happened during the war, leaving six people dead. On a personal level, Ruth is learning to balance motherhood with her job and fighting her love for Nelson (the father of her baby, Kate) because he's still happily married to his wife, Michelle. This third book in the Galloway/Nelson series is as good as the first two. I love the characters and the setting and can't wait for the next one. In my post for
The Crossing Places, I gave several readalikes. I now would also add Deborah Crombie and Louise Penny to that list.
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