Friday, September 4, 2020

Atomic Love by Jennie Fields

It's 1950 in Chicago and Rosalind Porter works the antique jewelry counter at Marshall Field's after a traumatic exit from her job working on the Manhattan Project. When FBI agent Charlie Szydlo asks her to report on her former lover, British scientist Thomas Weaver, Rosalind is hesitant, even though Weaver left her heartbroken and was probably responsible for Rosalind losing her job as a physicist. Szydlo believes that Weaver is working for the Russians and giving them secrets about the atomic bomb, so getting information from him is extremely important to the American government. Rosalind's life becomes more even complicated when she realizes she has feelings for Charlie. Atomic Love tells the story of Rosalind's life both past and present, with a great sense of place for mid-century Chicago. A great read for those who enjoy Beatriz Williams and Lauren Willig.

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