Thursday, March 18, 2021

Who is Maud Dixon? by Alexandra Andrews

Florence Darrow sees her job at a publishing house as temporary, since her goal is to be a published writer. When she's abruptly fired, Florence takes a position as an assistant to bestselling pseudonymous author Maud Dixon. Helen Wilcox (aka Maud Dixon) lives in upstate New York and Florence moves into the carriage house at the back of Helen's property. Florence is tasked with answering all of Maud Dixon's emails and transcribing her second novel into a computer. As Florence spends time with Helen, she becomes intrigued and somewhat entranced by her life. When they travel to Morocco so Helen can research her novel, there is a car accident, and it appears that Florence is the only survivor. Florence decides to take on Helen's identity since the authorities think she is Helen. How long will Florence be able to keep up her ruse--and where is Helen? A great read-alike for readers of Peter Swanson.

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