Thursday, April 14, 2011

Deadly Threads by Jane K. Cleland

Josie Prescott, owner of Prescott's Antiques and Auctions, has recently expanded her business into vintage clothing. When Riley Jordan, a guest lecturer for a series of presentations on vintage fashions that Prescott's is hosting, is found dead by Josie under a table, the local police are called. The prime suspect is Riley's husband, successful restauranteur Bobby Jordan. It's rumored that Bobby had been having an affair. Did Bobby kill Riley or was it someone else? Deadly Threads is the sixth book in the Josie Prescott series. While the novel has an enjoyable main character in Josie and an interesting setting in the world of antiquing surrounded by Josie's circle of friends and employees, it lacks a mystery that keeps the reader guessing until the end (similar to Cleland's second book, Deadly Appraisal).

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